Welcome! Try some of the exercises and have fun learning!
Lots of good listening exercises, including cloze (fill in the blank) exercises.
Some songs from my collection.
freerice.com - Test your grammar and donate some rice!
December 21st and 23rd
Christmas book: Vocabulary and other activities about Christmas
Listen and fill in the blanks.
Christmas vocabulary - put in the correct singular or plural
The Ice Storm of 1998 - Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Good verb tense review exercises are here.
A couple of nice Tim Horton's commercials to help get ready for winter.
December 14th and 16th
Last Minute Christmas Shopping
Nouns - Count and noncount nouns
Top story fires Santa for telling a joke - Listen and complete your worksheet.
December 7th and 9th
Online Christmas Shopping - Watch, listen, and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Christmas book: Vocabulary and other activities about Christmas
The life of Charles Dickens: Watch and answer some questions about his life.
Noun + noun: Choose the best answer.
Singular or plural? Choose the best answer.
November 30th and December 1st
Go to the 'Christmas' page to see the video about Christmas lights in Calgary and listen to some Christmas music. Video "Jingle Bells"
A good lesson about singular/plural subject verb agreement.
Practice singular to plural here. And here.
Criminal Offenses - Learn some vocabulary for types of crimes and people
Plural nouns - Type the correct answer.
November 23rd and 25th
Britain's Big Freeze - Watch the video and answer the questions.
Ordering Breakfast - a, an, some
Place names - The or nothing? This is a timed quiz.
Winter Food for Skiing - Listen to Lisa talk about skiing near Montreal
Practice for count and non-count nouns and articles.
How aware are you? Watch this video. Here's another one.
Job Interview Dos and Don'ts. Watch and learn!
November 16th and 18th
Here are some videos of news stories and some of the world records set on Thursday
Adjective/Relative clauses - explanation and quiz
Canada's new bank notes - Watch the video and answer the questions.
Canadian money - Test yourself
Do you know your Canadian money? Try this quiz.
Try making some adjective clauses.
November 9th
Vimy Ridge (Histori.ca)
Remembrance Day (by Bryan Adams) Watch the video, listen, and answer the questions on the side.
Are you bored or boring? Watch the video and try the quiz.
November 2nd and 4th
Emergency - Listen to the interview and answer the questions.
A short quiz on some vocabulary for emergencies.
Complete the sentences by dragging the correct answers to the sentences.
Passives - Look at the tutorial and exercises on passives.
Sir Sandford Fleming (listening) - listen and answer the questions
Sir Sandford Fleming (video) - watch the video and answer the questions
October 25th and 27th
"The Monster Mash" - Listen to the song and complete your worksheet.
"Gonna, Haveta, Wanna" - Listen and practice
Halloween videos from the History Channel
October 19th and 21st
BC digs out from the blizzard of '96
Modals of Probability - Choose the correct answer.
Learn how to skate - Watch and put the directions in order
English Video Lessons - Take a look at some lessons on English
Embracing winter - Listen to how one reporter tries to enjoy a Manitoba winter.
Modals - Choose the best answer.
Dictations - Good listening practice!
October 12th and 14th
Winter forecast - read the article and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Listen to the song and fill in the blanks. Answer
Conditional quiz 1 Conditional quiz 2
Steve Jobs - Listen and complete the activities on your worksheet. When you're finished, check the reading here.
Job Center - Listen and choose the correct picture.
Verb tense practice - take a look at the perfect tenses
October 5th and 7th
A brief explanation of Canadian Thanksgiving.
Verb Tense Quiz 1 Verb Tense Quiz 2
Renovating a home - watch, listen, and answer the questions on your worksheet
General grammar exercises - Lots of good grammar review, especially for TOEFL
September 28th and 30th
Listening - Home repairs Home repairs fill in the blanks
Noun and preposition exercise
Sidewalk Rage - Listen and fill in your worksheet
Certainty - Rewrite the sentences using MUST, MIGHT, CAN'T, or COULD
A step-by-step guide to home buying.
Here is a video of one family's experience buying a home.
Housing for newcomers in other languages.
September 21st and 23rd
Phrasal verbs: Study phrasal verbs alphabetically, by verb, or by particle.
Credit quiz: This is a quiz to test some general knowledge of credit. Read the questions and decide what is the best answer. Then, check your answers.
The comma game 10 questions. When you are finished, choose play again to get different sentences.
Punctuation errors Read each sentence and decide if it is correct or incorrect. An explanation is included for each sentence.
If I Had a $1,000,000 worksheet song answer
Canadians and debt - Listen to the interview and do the questions.
Conversation: ABCs of Money Matters (includes lots of good idioms related to money)
Grammar Articles 1 Articles 2 Agreement
Credit agencies: TransUnion Equifax
September 14th and 16th
New world records - Listen and do the exercises on your page.
Photo essay - worst dressed cities in the world
Adverb clauses - explanation, examples, and a quiz at the bottom of the page.
Business English phrases - Listen and practice
September 7th and 9th
The library on Parliament Hill
A brief history of Parliament Hill - Read and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Adverb clauses - examples and practice
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - listen and do the quizzes.
August 31st and September 2nd
"Symphony in Slang" - How many of the slang expressions can you pick up?
Adjectives + prepositions - examples and exercises
Verbs + prepositions - exercise
This weekend - Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival
New coffee cup sizes - Read and listen.
Introduction to Canadian Government
How well do you know Canada? Try these quizzes on Citizenship.
Verb and preposition combinations - 'A' verbs 'B' verbs
Pronunciation practice - 'TH' (Units 1 and 2) and 'P/F' (Unit 11)
August 24th and 26th
The Price of Gold - Listen
Prepositions - lots of practice
Tips for talking to your Doctor - some good advice for your next Doctor's visit.
Ontario Doctor Search - Find family doctors or specialists here.
Participial adjectives quizzes
August 17th and 19th
Professional Phone Etiquette:
Speed, Volume, and Articulation
Connectives (conjunctions) - A short explanation, followed by some quizzes.
Job Hunting - Listen to the conversation and answer the questions on your sheet. Try not to read the conversation until you've answered the questions. When you're finished, go on to part II.
Because and due to - Correct or Wrong?
Free TOEFL practice test
Another TOEFL practice test
August 10th and 12th
The Hidden Job Market - Listen to this interview from CBC Manitoba and answer the questions on your worksheet. Transcript
Job Search Advice - Listen to this interview from CBC Manitoba and answer the questions on your worksheet. Transcript
Job Adjectives 1 - Match the adjectives and the meanings.
Job Adjectives 2 - Complete the sentences.
August 3rd and 5th
Apple is richer than the US government - listen to the story and complete your worksheet. listen here
Lots of review of prepositions
Practice your knowledge of driving with this free driving test.
Canada's new bank notes - Watch the video and answer the questions.
Transitive or Intransitive? Read each sentence carefully and choose the correct answer. Click 'back' after you check your answer.
Transitive or Intransitive? One more quiz.
Quiz yourself about Ottawa. The answers are at the bottom of the page.
Video - The fake Ikea store in China.
Story w/video - Flash rob in Ottawa.
June28th and 30th
RCMP Musical Ride part 1 part 2
O Canada National Anthem (with lyrics)
Canada and England - Listen and complete.
Canadian coins - review
Map of Canada - Use this map of Canada to check the capital cities and important waters.
Canada Quiz 1 Canada Quiz 2 (this quiz includes spelling and typing)
Canada Day in Ottawa - Find out what's happening in Ottawa on Canada Day.
June 22nd and 24th
Canada Day - Get ready for Canada Day with this listening activity.
Try some music - Choose a song, listen and follow along, then try one of the exercises.
Word Order - Click the words in the right order.
Another word order exercise.
Wilderness - Listen to Asako talk about the outdoors.
Winter camping - Listen to Tim talk about camping in the winter.
Reflexive pronouns - Examples and exercises
Another reflexive pronouns quiz
June 15 and 17th
Ruth's family part 1 - Read the question. Listen, then answer the question.
Ruth's family part 2 - Read the question. Listen, then answer the question.
Possessives - Type the correct answer. Click 'Next' when you're finished.
Possessives - Read the letter and choose the best answer.
Shopping - Choose the best answer.
Cash or credit - Read the question, listen carefully, and check the best answer.
June 7th and 10th
Listen and choose the correct phone number
Verbs and Pronouns - Choose the best answer.
Pronouns - Change the nouns to pronouns.
This weekend in Ottawa:
What are the warning signs of heat exhaustion? Watch this video and check your paper.
How should you treat heat exhaustion? Watch this video and answer the questions on your paper.
Get ready for Canada Day! Take a look at photos and activities happening on Canada Day
June 1st and 3rd
Health - listen and complete your worksheet
can/could/may - read and choose the best answer.
must not/don't have to - Choose the best answer.
Here is a picture dictionary. You can choose a topic, word, then hear the pronunciation and see pictures.
Canada Facts: Listen and choose the best answers.
Should or must? Read the sentence carefully and choose the best answer.
Can you put the words in the correct order?
May 25th and 27th
Watch the video and complete your worksheet.
May 18th and 20th
What NOT to pack - listen to some travel advice about what NOT to bring on a trip.
Quick quiz - to have
Quick quiz - to be
This weekends - Victoria Day Festival Tulip Festival Schedule
Brushes with Royalty - Canada's Queen
Canada's coins - study and practice
Lots of preposition practice here!
Minimal pairs - Choose a unit. Listen to the pairs. Can you hear the difference?
Dictations - numbers and letters
May 11th and 13th
The Great Glebe Garage Sale Answer the questions on your worksheet.
What to pack! Listen to the speaker talk about packing for a trip.
Watch the video and answer the questions.
What is the negative verb? (simple present)
What is the negative verb? (simple past)
MAY 4th and 6th
Mother's Day - Listen and fill in your worksheet
Ottawa Tulip Festival - photos
Word order - Click the words in the correct order.
Listen to the interview and fill in your worksheet. You can also answer the questions.
Jobs - quiz 1 - choose the right word Jobs - quiz 2 - choose the correct picture.
Simple present questions - type the correct question.
Simple past questions - type the correct question.
APRIL 27th and 29th
How to Vote - Watch the video and fill in the missing words on your paper.
The Royal Wedding - Look at some photos from the big day.
What is your telephone number? Listen and write the answers.
Telephone listening game - A little bit harder! Listen to your friend's message carefully and answer the questions.
Telephone Conversations - Listen and choose the best answer.
Yes/No questions practice simple present
Yes/No questions practice simple past
APRIL 20th
Listen to Jessica talk about her Easter traditions. Complete your worksheet.
Dates - Listen and repeat.
Emergency! Listen and do the quizzes.
Present Perfect - Write the correct verb.
APRIL 13th and 15th
Do you know your Canadian money? Try this quiz.
Prepositions 1 quiz Prepositions 2 quiz
Shops and Shopping - Vocabulary and practice.
Sammy the Seagull - Watch the video and answer the questions.
at, in, or on? Choose the best answer.
Pronunciation - numbers - Listen and practice.
APRIL 6th and 8th
Mrs. Mason's Apartment. Listen and do the exercises.
Tools - Listen to the vocabulary about tools.
Home repair vocabulary. Read about the different kinds of repair people.
"Dream House" - Listen to six people describe their dream houses. Answer the questions on your worksheet.
Future - type the correct answer.
What is the capital? Choose the correct province.
Mike's Day. What did Mike do? Listen and choose the correct picture.
What do we do every day? Match the picture and the activity.
What are you doing in the kitchen? Match the picture and the sentence.
What do you like to do? Match the words.
Scrambled sentences - Lots of exercises to practice word order.
Use the links on the right to see what there is to practice.
Tax Harmonization: Frequently Asked Questions
Grammar quiz: Conjunctions - choose the best answer.
Answering Machine - listen to the messages and answer the questions. Answers
Quizzes on Canadian geography.
HST calculator - How much will the HST cost you?