Here are previous activities from older classes. Feel free to look around!
March 30th
World population aging Listen and complete your worksheet.
Dorothy de Low - 100 year old ping pong player!
Ron Cunningham - Escapologist
Olive Riley - World's oldest blogger
March 23rd and 25th
Maple Syrup - Watch and do the activities
March 16th and 18th
The Royal Wedding - listen and complete the worksheet
Word Order - Which is the correct sentence?
March 17th is St. Patrick's Day. Try the interactive book, which has vocabulary activities and a video listening. (If it doesn't work, try this link)
March 9th and 11th
Sleep - This weekend we change our clocks. Many people will lose sleep. Listen and answer the questions.Interview with text.
Syllables - Try the game or quiz. There are three levels for each.
Stress - Where is the stress?
Sidewalk Rage - Listen and complete the activities on your worksheet.
Occupations - practice and quizzes
Do you know your road signs? Try this quiz!
February 28th and March 2nd
Daily Life after an earthquake Listen Check your answers
Dictations - easy, medium, and hard.
Have to, supposed to, ought to - A very quick lesson to practice.
Favourite Season - try the basic and combo quiz
February 23rd and 25th
Look at this map of Canada, which lets you see the provinces and capital cities.
Canada Geography quiz - Test yourself, and maybe learn something new!
Cooking: Listen to each speaker and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Rhyming words: Choose the words that rhyme.
Too or enough? Choose the best answer.
So or such? Choose the best answer.
February 16th and 18th
large numbers - Read the word and find the matching number
Listen to the speaker and choose the matching number
Restaurants - Listen to the questions and choose the best answers.
Travel and numbers - Listen and choose the correct numbers.
Assorted grammar questions - Choose the best answer.
Tongue Twisters - try to read and then listen to the tongue twisters.
Canadian Flag Proposals - Take a look at some of the other ideas for a new Canadian Flag, including ideas submitted by Canadians.
February 9th and 11th
Valentine's Day - Listen to the song 'Cupid' by Amy Winehouse and choose
correct answers.
Punctuation - Choose the correct sentence.
.(period) ?(question) or !(exclamation) - type the correct punctuation mark.
Go to videos first, and watch the video about the shoplifting seagull
Chinese New Year - Last week was Chinese New Year. Try these quizzes.
Parts of the body - Do you know what the word is? Try to guess the missing letters.
Canada Quiz - Do you remember what we've studied recently? Try this quiz.
Homophones - Words that sound the same: Complete the story with the correct word.
February 2nd and 4th
Watch the video about the most famous Groundhog Day celebration in the United States. Answer the questions.Click here.
Have done - Read the sentence and choose the best answer. Click here.
More have and get something done exercises.January 26th and 28th
The Job Center - Listen to the speaker and click on the best picture. Afterwards, you can read the transcript.
Job-Hunting quiz 1 - Look at the job ads, listen to the speaker, and answer the questions.
Job Hunting quiz 2 - Listen to the speaker and choose the best job.
The Arctic Winter Games - Learn about this event in the North.
Gerund or Infinitive? - 4 quizzes
Gerund or Infinitive? Choose the best answer.
The Learning Edge - an online ESL newspaper
January 18th and 21st
Cool jobs - Listen to Tim and Jeff talk about jobs they like.
Prepositions - lots of exercises to practice
Present perfect continuous - exercises to help you practice
Ottawa Winterlude - Find out information about the Winterlude festival here.
January 12th and 14th
Britain's Big Freeze - Watch the video and answer the questions.
For or since - choose the correct answer.
Telephone vocabulary - Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.
Telephone expressions dictations - Listen closely!
Telephone numbers - Listen and choose the correct phone number.
Capital cities of Canada - Click on the correct province.
January 5th and 7th
Simple past or past continuous? Type the correct form of the verb.
Irregular verbs - test yourself with irregular verbs.
Comparing Canada and Britain - Listen and fill in the missing words.
Fast speech - Listen and practice.
What did the person say? Listen and type the full words.
Try this short quiz about Canadian geography. Don't worry if you have to guess!
Prepositions - 'The Day of my Birth'
Silent letters - How well do you know your silent letters? Three levels of quizzes.
December 15th and 17th
Listen to the talk about Santa Claus and answer the questions
Boxing Day - Listen and complete your worksheet (answer)
December 8th and 10th
Fred's Gifts - Listen and do the quiz
Anja's Gifts - Listen and do the quiz
Christmas songs - listen and do the exercises. Your teacher will show you how to use the website.
Last-minute shopping - Listen to these people talk about their last minute shopping and answer the questions
Verb Tense exercises - go to present and past perfect.
December 1st and 3rd
Verb Tense review - choose the best answer
Answering Machine - press play and answer the questions
Cellphones- Watch the video and answer the questions
November 24th and 26th
British Columbia - The Blizzard of '96
This week's grammar - Quiz 1: Choose the correct answer.
Quiz 2 and 3: Type the correct answer
November 17th and 19th
G1 practice test - find out about driving in Ontario
Map of Canada quizzes - Beginner to Expert!
Listen - Renting or owning, what's the best choice?
November 10th and 12th
Too and Very - Quiz 1
Kids Play - Listen to Nadja talk about the games she used to play as a child.
The Learning Edge Issue 4 - Health, Bills, Apartment ads
A Pittance of Time - Video
John McCrae - a short video about the man who wrote "In Flander's Fields"
Comparisons - type the correct answer.
Comparatives and Superlatives - do the exercises, them click next exercise.
November 3rd and 5th
Go to 'Videos' and watch the video of the Swedish Ice Hotel. Answer the questions.
A Million Dollars - What would these people do? Listen and answer the questions.
October 27th and 29th
"The Monster Mash" - Listen to the song and complete your worksheet.
Halloween - Easy fill in the blanks exercise.
Edgar Allan Poe - Harder Complete the sentences with the correct word.
All About the Pumpkin - Watch and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Second Conditional - Complete the exercise. When you're finished, click 'Next Exercise.'
October 20th
If or Unless - Read the sentences carefully!
Britain's big freeze. Watch the video and answer the questions.
Video - Dressing for and talking about cold weather - Watch and learn!
October 13th and 15th
How's the weather today? Listen and check the best answers.
Animation and pictures of how the miners in Chile were rescued.
Tag questions - complete the questions.
So do I - Choose the best answer.
October 6th and 8th
Canadian Thanksgiving - watch, listen, and answer!
Dream House - listen and answer the questions about Mark's dream houses.
Tag questions - Quiz 1
Tag questions - Listen and practice your pronunciation
Commonwealth Games Listen and answer the questions on your paper. Answers
September 29th and October 1st
Drag the correct words into the sentences.
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
Listening - Try the telephone number quizzes.
Try these three levels of quizzes about joining words.
Recycling - put the garbage (rubbish) in the correct box (bin)
Prepositions - "The Day of my Birth"
And, But, Or, So - Complete the sentences
What can you recycle? Try this quiz?
October 27th and 29th
"The Monster Mash" - Listen to the song and complete your worksheet.
Halloween - Easy fill in the blanks exercise.
Edgar Allan Poe - Harder Complete the sentences with the correct word.
All About the Pumpkin - Watch and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Second Conditional - Complete the exercise. When you're finished, click 'Next Exercise.'
October 20th
If or Unless - Read the sentences carefully!
Britain's big freeze. Watch the video and answer the questions.
Video - Dressing for and talking about cold weather - Watch and learn!
October 13th and 15th
How's the weather today? Listen and check the best answers.
Animation and pictures of how the miners in Chile were rescued.
Tag questions - complete the questions.
So do I - Choose the best answer.
October 6th and 8th
Canadian Thanksgiving - watch, listen, and answer!
Dream House - listen and answer the questions about Mark's dream houses.
Tag questions - Quiz 1
Tag questions - Listen and practice your pronunciation
Commonwealth Games Listen and answer the questions on your paper. Answers
September 29th and October 1st
Drag the correct words into the sentences.
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
Listening - Try the telephone number quizzes.
Try these three levels of quizzes about joining words.
Recycling - put the garbage (rubbish) in the correct box (bin)
Prepositions - "The Day of my Birth"
And, But, Or, So - Complete the sentences
What can you recycle? Try this quiz?
September 22nd and 24th
September 17th
VOA English - Women Edge Past Men in Doctorates in the US
Wishes - Explanation and quiz.
September 8th and 10th
Job-Hunting - reading and listening quiz.
A chart of reduced forms in English.
Take it back! Where can you recycle in Ottawa?
Follow the directions - Listen to the speaker, follow the map, and choose the correct number of the building.
English in Conversation -> Work -> On the Job
September 1st and 3rd
Labour Day - Here is the answer to the listening.
Listen and answer the questions on your worksheet about farm terms.
Housing complaints - listen and do the exercises.
Change this argument into reported speech. Don't worry about mistakes.
Lots of grammar exercises. Scroll down to Reported Speech.
August 25th and 27th
Job-hunting quiz 1 - Listen, look at the ads, and answer the questions.
Job-hunting quiz 2 - Listen and choose the correct job.
View a 'virtual tour' of the Memorial Chamber in the Peace Tower
August 18th and 20th
Try this resume quiz. Read the questions and choose the correct answer.
Practice with job vocabulary
Practice some of this week's grammar.
The Learning Edge - online activities, including lots of job activities.
Listen here to the song "Echo Beach" and complete your worksheet.
Do you know your money? Try these quizzes.
The Ottawa Super EX starts this week at Landsdowne park.
August 11th and 13th
Superstitions - Learn about some common superstitions in North America
And, but, or, so - Complete the sentences
G1 practice test - find out about driving in Ontario.
Volunteer Ottawa - Complete your worksheet
August 4th and 6th
The Learning Edge - take a look at Issue 6
Quiz - Joining items - Read the sentences about some famous movies and choose the best answers.
The 2012 Olympics - Watch and listen to the report. Answer the questions on your paper.
What's the number? Listen to the speaker and drag the correct number into the box.
July 14th and 16th
ESL Blues - Go to Vocabulary: Problem Words and look for the exercises about prepositions.
ComAudio - Lots of listening activities to help you practice.
Mike's plans - listen to Mike talk about his weekend and choose the right answer.
It Takes a Thief - What should or shouldn't you do to protect your house? Can you find everything?
July 7th and 9th
Four Strong Winds - a classic Canadian song.
Try a game of preposition basketball.
What are the warning signs of heat exhaustion? Watch this video and check your paper.
How should you treat heat exhaustion? Watch this videoand answer the questions on your paper.
May and Might - Go to the exercises at the bottom of the page.
June 30th and July 2nd
O Canada - Watch the story about Canada's National Anthem.
The Queen's visits to Canada - Listen to people talking about their meetings with the Queen.
June 23rd and 25th
Present perfect exercises to practice.
June 16th and 18th
folder_id=2534374302886960&bmUID=1276692290971" target=_blank type=1>Cycling Safety - Listen and answer the questions.
Explanation and quiz about simple present and present continuous for the future.
On line video grammar lessons - lots of different topics.
Montreal Driving - Try this verb tense quiz. All your answers should be negative.
June 9th and 11th
Today is Friday! Relax and practice. Try for lots of listening activities.
Movie clips - Watch the short clips and answer the questions.
Check your answers here - Voice of America: World Cup 2010
Try these 'Error Correction' exercises. How many mistakes can you find?
June 2nd and 4th
A Great Car Deal - Listen and answer the questions. When you are finished, you can read the 'Quiz Script,' and do the 'Text Completion Exercise.'
Traffic - Read and listen to some dialogues about cars and traffic.
Phrasal Verbs - Use the links to try some of the exercises about phrasal verbs.
May 26th and 28th
Phrasal Verbs - Can you guess the correct preposition?
Watch the video about the UV Index and sun safety. Answer the questions on your page.When you are finished, look at this page about the UV Index.
Prefixes - Three levels of quizzes. Another quiz here. - Watch some of the short videos and answer the questions.
Have something done- choose the best answer
May 19th
Environment vs. Jobs - Watch this story about forestry in British Columbia. Do the activities in order -Introduction, before you listen, while you listen (two activities), after you listen.
Gerunds or infinitives - Read the story and fill in the missing spaces with the gerund or infinitive. When you're finished, Click 'Next Page' to go the the next exercise.
May 14th
Job-hunting quiz 1 - Listen, look at the ads, and answer the questions.
Job-hunting quiz 2 - Listen and choose the correct job.
More Phone Etiquette
Gerunds and infinitives -some practice exercises.
Scrambled sentences - Lots of exercises to practice word order.
Use the links on the right to see what there is to practice.
Grammar quiz: Conjunctions - choose the best answer.
Answering Machine - listen to the messages and answer the questions. Answers
Quizzes on Canadian geography.
HST calculator - How much will the HST cost you?