
Friday, January 27, 2012

Changing weather - Listen to Tim and Jeff and read their conversation. When you're finished, do the quiz.
Changing weather - Listen to the conversation and choose the best answers.

Preparing for a doctor's appointment - Read and listen to the article, then do the learning activities.

The best weather - Listen to each speaker and then answer the questions.

Telephone dictations - More dictations to try!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mobile phones - listen and complete your worksheet.

Children and mobile phones - listen and read the conversation.
After you listen to the conversation, try the quiz.

Parts of the body - listen here and more parts here
Body parts quiz

Past progressive - take a look at the exercises about the past progressive (past continuous)

Learn the provinces and territories of Canada.
When you think you know them, try this quiz.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Paying rent - Listen to someone complain about paying rent. Complete your worksheet. Here's the answer.

Great apartment living.  Listen and answer the questions.

Past tense verb pronunciation.

Try this quiz on prepositions - At In On

Review comparisons with this quiz.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Watch the video and check the answers on your worksheet.

Look at this map and Canada and review the capitals. Map of Canada

What is the capital? Choose the correct province or territory.

Listen to your friend's message and answer the questions. Message

Dictation - numbers and letters

Learn how to skate. Put the instructions in order.

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13th

Watch and listen to the CBC report and answer the questions on your worksheet - The 1998 Ice Storm

Irregular verbs - Listen and repeat -

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week of January 9th-13th

Listen and choose the best answer as people talk about their dream home:

Housing advertiesments - match the advertisement and the description

What's the best apartment? Home Sweet Home exercise 2

Take a look at the quizzes about 'simple past:' - Verb Tense Exercises

What are the silent letters? Silent Letters Quiz

Canadian coins - read and quizzes Canadian coins - reading and quizzes