
Friday, April 27, 2012

Quick facts about Canada - teach yourself some basic information about Canada.

Simple Past

Simple Past -ed pronunciation

Present simple and Present continuous - learn about jobs and review our grammar from this week

The Ottawa Tulip Festival - The Tulip Festival starts next week. Take a look at the website and see what's happening.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Renting vs. Owning - Listen to each speaker and complete your worksheet.

Apartment problems - Listen to the conversation and answer the questions

Future tense in conversation - Watch the lesson and try the quiz. (Take a look at the lesson on April 11th)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Can you fix it? Start with the first activity and review some of our work from this week.

Tools - A good vocabulary resource

Tools          Quiz 1
                   Quiz 2
                   Quiz 3
                   Quiz 4

Be going to questions
Will questions

Friday, April 13, 2012

Self-cleaning clothes - Listen to the story and complete your worksheet.  Answer

Dream House - Listen to each speaker and answer the questions.

Will and Going to - Explanation and exercise

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Activities - A review of our reading about bees and wasps.

Creepy Crawlies - Insects - listen to three people talk about insects and answer the questions.

Verb Tenses - Take a look at simple past and simple future.

Future Tense - Will and Going to: Watch the video and learn about the two ways to talk about the future.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Canadian maple syrup - watch the video and check the answers on your worksheet

What's the silent letter? Listen to the word and type the silent letter.

Irregular verbs list

Irregular verbs - Listen and repeat