
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Job Interviews - listen to some advice about job interviews and complete your worksheet.

Learn some words for school subjects and practice comparisons.

Grammar basketball - Try to answer the questions and score points.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Victoria Day Festival - Look at the website and complete your worksheet.

Do you know the plural spelling?

Jobs - vocabulary and listening   After you have looked at the dictionary, try the quizzes
               Quiz 1
               Quiz 2
               Quiz 3
               Quiz 4

Canada's provinces - Can you put the provinces in the correct place?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Gardening - Listen and find the mistakes. Check your answers here.

My Family - review vocabulary for family.

In At On for time

Telephone Fraud - Review our activities from yesterday.

A Debit Card Problem - Review our activities from yesterday.

The end of the penny - from CBC News

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Ottawa Tulip Festival - Take a look at the site for this year's festival.

A Balcony Garden - Listen and answer the questions.

Emergency - Listen to the phone call and answer the questions.

Making questions - Read the answer. What is the question?
More making questions