
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Am Canadian - Watch the video and complete your worksheet.

Plural nouns - what is the correct spelling?

Subject verb agreement - A little harder - Can you write the sentence correctly?

Canada Day in Ottawa

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer - A short listening about summer - listen and complete your worksheet

Paying a bill - Listen and answer the questions.

Past Progressive - Practice our grammar from this week.

Summer safety video link

Friday, June 15, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Asking for and receiving help - Review from yesterday

Buying a sweater - Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
Returning an item - A little bit harder! Listen and answer the questions.

Grammar - Imperatives - Look at the examples and then try the quizzes.

Let's go shopping - Phrases to use when you're shopping.

Nik Wallenda

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Sandwich - Listen and complete your worksheet

How to ask permission in English - Watch the video and try the quiz at the end.

Did you get the message? - Try these activities to review listening to messages.

This weekend is Westfest .

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The new $20 bill - watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet

See how the Queen has changed on our money.

Test your knowledge of the Queen.

Can/Could quiz - Choose the best answer and then check.

Have to/Must quiz - Choose the best answer and then check.

Short Dictations - Pick one and practice!