
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Changes to Garbage Pickup - Watch the videos and answer the questions on your worksheet

Check your collection day here.

Find out about garbage services here.
Blue box
Black box

National Do Not Call List - FAQs

National Do Not Call List - Filing a complaint

Friday, October 26, 2012

Winnipeg's friendly Masonic Temple ghost - watch the video and check your worksheet.

'More bang for my buck.' Listen as a customer calls and asks for information about changing her phone service.

'All the lines are busy.' Review our listening activities from earlier this week.

-ing or -ed? Type the correct form of the verb.

Order of adjectives quiz

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Airline launches child-free zone - listen and check your paper.

Nouns - review count and non-count and singular/plural

Irregular plurals - read the sentence and choose the correct answer.

Job Application - completing an application

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Phone bill mistake - Listen to the story and complete your worksheet.

Winter Scenes - Listen to the descriptions and choose the best picture. You can take a look at the transcript after.

Large number quizzes

Listen and find the matching number  Quiz 1       Quiz 2

Read the words. Can you find a matching number?  Quiz 1      Quiz 2

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thanksgiving - take a look at the slideshow and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Canadian superfoods - Take a look at these activities about 'superfoods.'

Employer expectations - review of our lesson from Wednesday.

Gatineau Park in the fall

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Listen to the story about mobile phones. Complete your worksheet.

Phobia List - What are you afraid of?

Canadian Thanskgiving - Next weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada. Listen to the short conversation and answer the questions.

Tag Questions - tutorial and quiz
Tag Questions - quiz