
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas book - lots of vocabulary and activities.

Quebec City Ice Hotel - video of the making of the hotel

Ottawa Winterlude - See what happens at Ottawa's winter festival

Swiss Santa - Listen and answer the questions.

Canadian Santa - Listen and answer the questions.

What is Boxing Day? -Listen to the speaker talk about her Boxing Day.

Christmas vocabulary games

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Amazon testing drone delivery service - listen to the story and complete your worksheet. Then, watch the video below to see how it works. Check your answer here.

What's the correct word order? Click the words in the correct order.

Housework and adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, never).

Watch some swimmers at a polar bear swim in Ottawa.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Go to my Christmas page to see some Christmas song videos and practice your singing.

Review our listening exercise from yesterday. Listen to the messages and fill in the missing words.

Another activity review - listen to someone call her landlord about fixing her house.

How to pronounce -s endings.

How to pronounce -ed endings.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas lights spectacle in Calgary answer the questions on your worksheet.

Telephone numbers - Listen to the speaker, read the question, then read the ads and find the correct phone number.

Present continuous or simple present (quiz 1)? Choose the best answer
Quiz 2 
Quiz 3 

Some fun Christmas light displays here  and  here.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Watch this video about someone who took a job helping others. Answer the questions on your worksheet.

This weekend is the Santa Claus Parade.  Click 'Information' to see the parade route.

Ask the pharmacist - review our listening yesterday about talking to the pharmacist

Where can I find toothpaste? - review of our activity about items in the pharmacy

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Simple Future exercises - Try the exercises about the simple future.

Try Ellis Intro - Going to the doctor number 6 (Start-->Programs-->ELLIS-->Academic-->Intro-->-->Guest-->Going to the doctor)

Friday, November 15, 2013

First, watch this video showing a new kind of bike helmet. Then, do the listening below.

Invisible bike helmet - listen to this story about a new kind of bike helmet. Complete your worksheet. Check your answers here.

What are they buying? What are they doing? Choose the correct store or business.
Listen and read along with the conversation here.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

In Flanders Fields - Listen to the poem and complete your worksheet. Check your answer here.

Verb Tenses - Go down to Past Progressive

Friday, November 1, 2013

Listen to the story. Complete your worksheet.

This weekend we change our clocks. Listen to these conversations about time.

When do you get up and when do you go to bed? Listen to each speaker and answer the questions at the end.

Numbers, Months, Days of the year. Listen, read, and try the exercises.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween book - click the top corner of each page when you are finished.

Another Halloween book - click the top corner of each page when you are finished.

Occupations - picture vocabulary - read and listen

Grammar - Simple Past Tense exercises to practice.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What is he wearing? Check the items on your sheet. How many of each is he wearing?

Count or non-count? Here are 4 quizzes

Quiz 4

Ordering breakfast - some of you have done this quiz before, but it's good review of a/an/some

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Listen to the recipe for 'Gazpacho Soup.' Complete your worksheet. Then, listen and check the recipe.

Check the original activity here.

Fruit - picture dictionary and listening, and quizzes

Vegetables - picture dictionary and listening, and quizzes

Food - picture dictionary and listening, and quizzes

World's largest building opens in China - listen and complete your worksheet.

Practice with superlatives (most, -est)
Review of comparatives and superlatives

Getting Fit - Listen to the conversation and answer the questions

Canada's food guide - review our activity from this morning.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thanksgiving - try these reading and listening activities about Thanksgiving

Too and enough - Try this exercise to practice

Clothing styles - Listen to the conversation and answer the questions

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fall festivals - Next weekend is Thanksgiving. Later this month is Halloween. Learn about these fall festivals.

Matilda gets a smoke alarm - Review our activity from yesterday.

Questions and answers - Choose the correct answer.
Questions and answers 2 - Choose the correct answer.
Questions and answers 3 - Choose the correct answer.

Qatar World Cup - Listen to the stories and complete your worksheet.   Check your answers.

Emergency! Listen and complete the exercises.

Practice your comparatives here

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Watch the video about the new 20 dollar bill and answer the questions on your worksheet.

For or Since - Try this quiz and see how you do.

at, on, in for time - Read the sentence, choose your answer and then check.

Buying a sweater (easier) - Listen and complete the exercises.

Shopping for a fridge (harder) - Listen and complete the exercises.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Apartments for rent - watch the short video, complete your worksheet, and answer the questions next to the video.

Breakfast - a, an, some, or nothing?

Using 'the' and places - drag the words into the correct box.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Eli goes to the doctor - Do the vocabulary, and then do the activities that follow.

Present continuous - Try the exercises from this page.

Vocabulary and listening exercises

Provinces and capital cities

                  Click on each province or territory to learn its capital city

                  Choose the correct province or territory for each capital city

Friday, September 6, 2013

Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

What is the correct verb? Choose the correct answer.

Possessives -  Watch this video lesson and learn more about possessives.

More pronoun exercises.

Friday, June 28, 2013

English pronunciation exercises from BC's Okanagan College

Everyday English conversations

The Real Canadian Songbook - Watch and listen to Canadian music with exercises - a good collection of exercises for review and practice

CBC Ottawa - keep up with the news!

Have a great summer!!

RCMP Musical Ride part 1 part 2

Canada and England - Listen and complete.

Map of Canada - Use this map of Canada to check the capital cities and important waters.

Canada Quiz 1 Canada Quiz 2 (this quiz includes spelling and typing)


Friday, June 21, 2013

Flooding in Alberta - Watch the story about flooding in Alberta and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Simple past and past progressive - click the words in the correct order.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cricket - Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

I played/I was playing - try this quiz to practice the simple past and past continuous

Look for the 'past progressive' exercises.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Train drivers in skirts
American speaker                   Check your answers here
British speaker

Listen to the speaker talk about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms


Fill in the blanks

Learn some Canadian vocabulary in this video lesson

Friday, May 31, 2013

Warning signs of heat stroke - watch and check the answers on your worksheet.

How to treat heat exhaustion - Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Dialogues - I was burnt to a crisp
                 I slathered her in sunscreen

Video lesson - already and yet

Pronunciation - lots of great exercises to help you with your pronunciation.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This week is the 60th anniversary of the first ascent of Mount Everest. Watch how one person celebrated.

Already, yet, still, anymore - Choose the correct answer.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The UN says we should eat insects. Listen and complete your worksheet.

British male speaker

US female speaker

Insects - picture dictionary

Making plans - listen and complete the activities

Indefinite pronouns - read the sentence and choose the best answer

Indefinite pronouns - type the correct answer

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Victoria Day - watch the video, listen carefully, and choose the best answer.

If... - type the correct word in the box.

Video lesson - conditionals

Missed signals - practice your listening as you listen to phone messages.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pesticides stop bees learning - Listen to the speaker and complete your worksheet.

British speaker (male)
American speaker (female)

Count/Non Count nouns - Quizzes to practice

Making an appointment - Listen to the phone call and do the quizzes

The Ottawa Tulip Festival - Some information from last year's festival

Friday, May 3, 2013

Canada's new bank notes - made to last - Watch the video and complete your worksheet.

Shopping - listen to the speakers talk about shopping, then answer the questions.

Gerund or infinitive? - Choose the best answer.

Here is the website for the Tulip Festival. We'll take a look at the festival next week.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Dutch King - Watch the story and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Try this quiz on infinitives and gerunds - Can you guess where the verbs go?

Another quiz on infinitives and gerunds

Returning an item - listen to this conversation and do the quiz on returning something.
Fill in the blanks

Friday, April 26, 2013

Smartphone pickpockets - Watch the story and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Directions - listen to the instructions. Where are you?

Follow this link and look for the activity "A New Traffic App." Click on it, listen, then try the activities.

Bees, wasps, mosquitoes, blackflies - take a look at all of the pests we've learned about this week.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Frank's checkup - listen and check the correct answer.

Frank's checkup - listen and again and fill in the missing words.

Blackflies - Reading exercises about another summer pest.

(enjoy this video after trying the exercises)

Four provinces - reading and listening about four Canadian provinces.

Pronunciation - listen to the pairs of words. Which one do you hear?

Might/May - examples and exercises

Can - examples and exercises

Could - examples and exercises

Friday, April 19, 2013

The cost of owning a car - Listen to the story and fill in the missing words on your worksheet.

The Canadian Moose - Reading and listening about this Canadian animal.

Going to or will? Look at the examples and then try the exercises.

Canadian geography quizzes - Quizzes about capitals, provinces, and regions

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Learn a little bit about Canada's smallest province. Watch the video and complete your worksheet.

Will or Going to? - Watch this video lesson to find out which is correct!

Simple Future - take a look at the exercises for 'Simple Future'

Who's responsible - review our listening activity from this week.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Calling about an apartment - Listen to the conversation and check the correct answers.

Calling about an apartment - Listen again and type the missing words.

Dream House - Listen to each speaker and answer the questions.

A, an, or nothing - Choose the best answer.

Much, many, a lot of - Examples and quiz, and links to count/non count practice.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pandas coming to Toronto - Watch the story and answer the questions on your worksheet.

A/An/Some - Ordering breakfast

This one is tricky! Place names with or without 'the.'

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Bad Day - Watch the video and complete your worksheet.

Fruit - vocabulary review and quiz (includes spelling)

Vegetables - vocabulary review and quiz (includes spelling)

Food                    more food

Causative verbs quiz

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here are some activities, including vocabulary, listening, and videos.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sir Sandford Fleming

James Naismith

 Watch the videos and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Past tense passive - read the sentences and put the verb in the past tense passive (was/were + past participle)

Directions - listen and find the speaker's house.

How to make maple syrup (video)

Information about income tax help in Ottawa
(Please do not print out the whole document at school since it is very long.)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cycling is bad for the environment - listen to the story and complete your worksheet.

American speaker
British speaker

Good old home remedies-  a review of last week's listening exercise.

Prefixes and suffixes - Look at the pictures and choose the best prefix. When you're finished, you can check your answers and go to the next exercise.

"Suspect steals van with kids inside." Here is the story including video from the CBC Ottawa website.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

This week's news - watch, listen, and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Passives - look for the activities about passives.

Phrasal verbs - keep studying!!

Various health dialogues

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tim Hortons Roll Up the Rim contest - watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Frank's checkup - Listen and answer the questions

Frank's checkup - Listen and fill in the missing words

How do you like your eggs? vocabulary and listening activities about this popular food

The day of my birth - read and choose the best answer for each sentence

Another quiz on prepositions

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Meteorite hits Russia, thousands injured - Listen and complete your worksheet.

American speaker
British speaker

check your answers here

"More Bang for my Buck" - Listen and do the activities.

'out' phrasal verbs quiz

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Listen to this morning's news and complete your worksheet.

First conditionals - lesson and quiz.

Here is a another quiz about conditionals. Some of the grammar we haven't looked at yet, so make your best guess!

Telephone conversations - Try to put these conversations in the correct order.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Listen to a phone call about renting an apartment

Listen and answer the questions.

Listen and fill in the missing words.

What would you do if you had a million dollars? Listen to the song and complete the quiz. Notice the conditionals.

What's the message? Review of yesterday's exercise.

Groundhog day 2013 - Punxsutawney Phil           Wiarton Willie

Wish practice
mix and match

complete the sentences

put in order

video lesson and quiz

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

France shuns use of Twitter's 'hashtag'
Listen to the story and complete your worksheet.

USA male speaker
UK male speaker

Listen and spell - check your spelling with this dictation. Don't look at your paper!

Practice using 'wish' - look at the examples and try the exercises.

Conversations and vocabulary for using the phone.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Did you get the message? Listen to the messages and complete the exercises

Job options - review some of our vocabulary about jobs. Listen and answer the questions.

Find out about this year's Winterlude festival!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Watch the video about the end of the penny. Answer the questions on your worksheet.

Verb tense exercises - Past perfect.

2-1-1 Review our lesson from yesterday.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Three-Day Weekend - Listen to the speaker and complete your worksheet.
British speaker
American speaker

A Dream Job - Do the activities and listening.

Minimum wage in Ontario - Read and answer the questions.

Working Man - Listen to the song and check the correct answers.

Read this story about cheating and complete with the correct gerund or infinitive.

Rideau Canal skating conditions.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cold Calling - Listen to the interview and answer the questions on your worksheet.  Transcript

Gerunds and Infinitives - four quizzes to help you practice.

Do you remember what we read yesterday about the Government of Canada?

Want to know what the Citizenship test is like? Try some practice questions.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Here are some other videos you might be interested in watching
-Security features of the new bills.
-Taking care of the new bill.

Have/get done - Read the sentences and choose the best answer.

"I'll have John clean his room!" Read the situation, and type the correct answer - have someone do something.

"I'll have the room cleaned!" Read the situation and type the correct answer - have something done.

Listen and practice again with the weather forecasts.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Noise Factor - Listen to two people talk about what they don't like when they're looking for a place to live.

Activities in winter - listen to Lisa talk about what she likes to do in winter. Check the correct answers.

Conversations about housing problems.

English Video lessons
Polite answers - Yes or no - Some good tips and a quiz about answering questions politely.

How to understand questions - here is a good lesson about understanding English speakers who speak too fast!

The blizzard in St. John's - Article and video about today's storm in Newfoundland. (Be patient!! Sometimes the video is very slow to load.)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This week we talked about New Year's resolutions. Listen to the speaker (British or American) and complete your worksheet.

British speaker
American speaker                             
Check your answers here and try other activities based on the listening

Listen to someone calling about an apartment for rent. Answer the questions. When you're finished, do the fill in the blank exercise.
Fill in the blank exercise.

Verb tense review exercises - take a look at the exercises about Yes/No and information questions.