
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pandas coming to Toronto - Watch the story and answer the questions on your worksheet.

A/An/Some - Ordering breakfast

This one is tricky! Place names with or without 'the.'

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Bad Day - Watch the video and complete your worksheet.

Fruit - vocabulary review and quiz (includes spelling)

Vegetables - vocabulary review and quiz (includes spelling)

Food                    more food

Causative verbs quiz

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here are some activities, including vocabulary, listening, and videos.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sir Sandford Fleming

James Naismith

 Watch the videos and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Past tense passive - read the sentences and put the verb in the past tense passive (was/were + past participle)

Directions - listen and find the speaker's house.

How to make maple syrup (video)

Information about income tax help in Ottawa
(Please do not print out the whole document at school since it is very long.)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cycling is bad for the environment - listen to the story and complete your worksheet.

American speaker
British speaker

Good old home remedies-  a review of last week's listening exercise.

Prefixes and suffixes - Look at the pictures and choose the best prefix. When you're finished, you can check your answers and go to the next exercise.

"Suspect steals van with kids inside." Here is the story including video from the CBC Ottawa website.