
Friday, April 26, 2013

Smartphone pickpockets - Watch the story and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Directions - listen to the instructions. Where are you?

Follow this link and look for the activity "A New Traffic App." Click on it, listen, then try the activities.

Bees, wasps, mosquitoes, blackflies - take a look at all of the pests we've learned about this week.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Frank's checkup - listen and check the correct answer.

Frank's checkup - listen and again and fill in the missing words.

Blackflies - Reading exercises about another summer pest.

(enjoy this video after trying the exercises)

Four provinces - reading and listening about four Canadian provinces.

Pronunciation - listen to the pairs of words. Which one do you hear?

Might/May - examples and exercises

Can - examples and exercises

Could - examples and exercises

Friday, April 19, 2013

The cost of owning a car - Listen to the story and fill in the missing words on your worksheet.

The Canadian Moose - Reading and listening about this Canadian animal.

Going to or will? Look at the examples and then try the exercises.

Canadian geography quizzes - Quizzes about capitals, provinces, and regions

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Learn a little bit about Canada's smallest province. Watch the video and complete your worksheet.

Will or Going to? - Watch this video lesson to find out which is correct!

Simple Future - take a look at the exercises for 'Simple Future'

Who's responsible - review our listening activity from this week.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Calling about an apartment - Listen to the conversation and check the correct answers.

Calling about an apartment - Listen again and type the missing words.

Dream House - Listen to each speaker and answer the questions.

A, an, or nothing - Choose the best answer.

Much, many, a lot of - Examples and quiz, and links to count/non count practice.