
Friday, January 31, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Watch the video above about the House of Commons. Complete your worksheet. (YouTube link)

Canada's most beautiful room - Learn about the Library of Parliament.

Adverb clauses - Review the lesson, and then click the link at the bottom of the page for the exercise. There will be some material we studied, as well as new material.

Video lesson about adverb clauses

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Take a look at the exercises for 'Hard and soft skills' and 'Cover letters.'

Here is the link for the list of legal and illegal interview questions.

How to answer illegal interview questions: Listen as the interviewer asks about physical or learning disabilities, religious affiliation, and marital and family status. How does the applicant respond?

What's the correct question word? Drag the word into the grey box.

Winterlude starts next week. Find out more about Ottawa's annual winter festival here.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Planning to work in Canada? Online version

Working in Canada website - find out about what jobs are available, qualifications, wage, and more. Look for 'Explore Careers' and click Occupations to get more information about specific occupations.

Chris Hadfield discusses life skills.

Some quizzes to practice conditionals
quiz 1 (mixed conditionals)

Homonyms quiz

Friday, January 10, 2014

Job hunter puts CV on billboard - Listen and complete your worksheet. Check your answers here.

Past perfect lesson from

"What a night" - past perfect lesson (irregular verbs)

Lesson and quiz from about silent letters

How cold was it this week? Parts of Niagara Falls froze.

Applying for Canadian Citizenship? Get information here.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Silent Letters

Here are three videos from YouTube that give some good examples and explain some of the rules about silent letters.

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2

Lesson 3 

Also, keep an eye out for the northern lights (Aurora Borealis) tonight!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What are the results of the polar vortex in the US? Watch this video from BBC News and answer the questions on your worksheet.

What is a polar vortex?

Hope or Wish? Complete the sentence with the correct answer. Be careful of the verb tense.

Practice Citizenship test: How many questions can you answer?

Practice G1 test - Includes English, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese