
Friday, March 28, 2014

Next week is April Fool's Day. Here are some popular April Fool's Day videos.

Here is an excellent resource for studying and practicing phrasal verbs.

Dialogues about communication and the telephone to listen and read.

How strong were the winds on the East Coast this week? Watch this:

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Snooping on lost smartphones

Verb and preposition - What is the missing preposition?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Inuit throat singing

East coast folk music (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Watch the beginning of this commercial. What do you think the commercial is for?

Now, watch the following commercial and complete your worksheet.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Watch the above news story and answer the questions on your work sheet. The story starts at about the one minute mark.

Modals and present perfect quiz (check your answers immediately)

More practice on past modals

For your information and practice - Reading and lesson about rental agreements

Conversations about traffic and driving - listen, read, and practice

Two years ago today...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Listen to the phone call between a travel agent and a customer. Write a brief email to your friend explaining the two options and asking which one they prefer.

Telephone tips - video and quiz with advice on using the phone.

Quick quiz on 'so do I' and 'neither do I.' Be careful, not all of the answers are agreement.

Sir Sandford Fleming - A short video about Sandford Fleming and his invention of standard time.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Watch these videos and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Professional phone etiquette for answering phone calls

Professional phone etiquette for taking good phone messages

Professional phone etiquette - what NOT to do when leaving a phone message

Tag Questions: Scroll down the page and take a look at the activities about tag questions.

Making plans - listen to two friends trying to make plans to get together
Listen and quiz

Listen and fill in the blanks