
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24th and 26th

How much food can you buy for $5? Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

 Relative clauses/Adjective clauses - Choose the correct answer.

Food and Health myths - This afternoon, we'll be talking about food and nutrition. Try these activities to warm up.

Food Crime - Listen to the story and complete your worksheet. You can listen to a British speaker, or a North American speaker.

North American

Relative clauses - can you join the sentences?

10 abbreviations you should know - An lesson

Sound contrasts - Can you hear the difference in the two sounds?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cleaning our teeth
British speaker (male)
North American speaker (female)

Check your answers here.

Test yourself on past participle verbs

Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Present perfect or simple past? Watch this video for a good explanation.

Present perfect - go down the page to the exercises and try the exercises on present perfect.

More practice at the doctor:

Frank's check up

Idioms and expressions about health

Vocabulary for medicine

Friday, September 5, 2014

Nunavut Grocery Prices

Now, do some shopping. Using the graphic, choose 5 or 6 grocery items. Which northern city is the most expensive? How do the prices compare to the rest of Canada?

Must and Have to: When you take your dog for a walk, what do you have to do? What must you not do? Try this quiz.

Review parts of the body - listening and reading
More parts of the body
Digestive system

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome Back!

Monday was Labour Day in Canada and the United States. Listen and watch this short video about the holiday and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Should or must? Watch the video and do the quiz at the below the video.

In English, there are words that have the same sound, but a different spelling and meaning. Try this quiz. Read the sentence. Each pair of words has the same sound. Can you guess which word is correct?