
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29th and 31st

Winnipeg's Masonic Temple Ghost - Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

What is the correct question word?

Even squirrels like Halloween.

Watch the three videos below and answer the questions on your worksheet:

Sir Sandford Fleming - Standard Time

James Naismith - Basketball

Joseph-Armand Bombardier


Reported speech - change the sentences to reported speech.

Reported speech video practice.

Speaking and Vocabulary

Listen and practice the dialogues about health matters.

This Friday is Halloween. We'll be learning about it in class tomorrow. Watch this video to find out a bit about this holiday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22nd and 24th

Barack Obama's credit card rejected
Listen and complete your worksheet:  British English     North American English

You can watch Obama explaining what happened in this video:

Are you planning to take the Citizenship test in the future? Here's a website with a lot of great resources.

Reported speech - practice and exercises.

Poutine Fest is on this weekend!

Winter clothing? It's the layers.

Watch the video. Try to identify as much of the man's clothing as you can.

Listen to these conversations about home repairs and practice.

Tools - read and listen to the pronunciation. Try the exercises at the bottom of the page.

Clothing - read and listen to the pronunciation. Try the exercises at the bottom of the page.

Present Perfect

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15th and 17th

Postal service in Somalia
Listen to the story in British English or American English. Check your answers here.

Must, might, or can't?

Young Nobel Prize winners

Listen first, then watch the video from YouTube.

Modals of possibility - try the exercise. When you're finished, click the link at the bottom for exercise two.


Renting an apartment - quiz and fill in the blanks

Apartment problems - quiz and fill in the blanks

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8th and 10th

Listen to two people talking about Thanksgiving. Complete your worksheet.

Can you make a sentence out of the words? Use the gerund or infinitive.

Today, we listened to a story about this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

A report about this year's prize:

A short video about how Alfred Nobel invented dynamite:

Last week we listened to some stories about the Ebola outbreak. Watch the video to see some reporters practicing dressing for an Ebola outbreak. Complete your worksheet.

Another EngVid video lesson - six ways to use gerunds.

Who killed Mr. Green? Try this puzzle, and see if you can figure out who killed Mr. Green.

Solving the crime - vocabulary