
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Winter clothing - What's he wearing? 

How to use an ATM - Try this practice

Canadian vs. American Thanksgiving

Using English - Phrasal verb reference 

This week's news: 
 Voter card errors

Friday, October 2, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Morning class

Look at the clothing and listen to and practice the pronunciation. Then, try the exercises.

Afternoon class

'Getting Paid' - Listen to the speaker and complete your notes. Then, watch the video below from CBC news and answer the questions on your page.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Afternoon class

Click here for the lesson page from Ted Ed lessons about the lunar eclipse.

Homonyms - read and choose the correct sentence

Wishes, past and present quiz

Adjective (relative) clauses quiz

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Afternoon Class

Click here to see the video we watched in class yesterday, and complete your summary.

Morning Class

Watch the two videos and complete your worksheet.

Making a withdrawal at the bank machine

Making a deposit at the bank machine

Simple past tense "to be"

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Afternoon Class

The North - Listen and take notes on your worksheet.

Review geography, provinces, and capitals with these quizzes.

How expensive is it up north? Take a look.

Morning Class

Shopping for clothes 

Present Simple or Present Continuous 

Whose is it? Read and choose the correct answer.

Buying a sweater. Listen and choose the correct answer.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome Back!!

Yesterday was Labour/Labor Day in Canada and the United States. But why? Watch the video below.

Two Conservative candidates dropped

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Some links to help you study on a rainy day:

Grammar - 

Listening and vocabulary - Focus English dialogues 

English video lessons - 

Canadian Geography quizzes 

Dictations (Easy, Intermediate, and Advanced) 

Links for pronunciation lessons

English lessons with Canadian music 

Short video lessons about Canadian history and famous Canadians (click on Heritage Minutes) - Historica Canada 

News - Ottawa Citizen    Metro News   CBC Ottawa

What's happening in Ottawa? (click on the calendar),

Sun screen myths debunked

Monday, July 13, 2015

Morning class

Watch this story about unclaimed money in Canada and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Lots of good exercises to practice your grammar here.

Lots of good exercises here for listening and vocabulary on a variety of topics.

Afternoon class

Watch this story about a Calgary man's balloon adventure. Complete your worksheet.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015


This week, we'll be talking about education and finance. Listen to the problems students in Britain are having.

Normal speed (British speaker)
Normal speed (American speaker)

Slow speed 

Check your answers here

It's verb tense review this week. Try any of the exercises and work on the units you feel are hard for you.

English for Financial Literacy - Look at Education, CLB 3-5, Budgeting


Saskatchewan wildfires - Listen to the story and answer the questions on your worksheet. When you are finished, watch the video and check your answers.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cellphones mark 30 years in Canada


We're going to be reviewing future tenses tomorrow and next week. Take a look at the examples and try some exercises yourself.

Using 'like' and 'as' - English video lesson 


Had better or should 

More had better practice

Monday, June 22, 2015

Morning class

Listen to and then watch the following story about World Refugee Day

More adjective clause practice. Try to join the sentences, or listen to the speaker as he reads the answers.

English video lesson - shopping 

Afternoon class

A day in the life of a firefighter

Have got or has got.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Afternoon Class

Watch the story and answer the questions.

Employment scams - Click on Employment, CLB 3-5, then click on Employment Scams.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Morning Class

Listen to the story about children and physical activity and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Now, watch the video about children and physical activity. Complete your worksheet.

Adjective (Relative) clauses - lesson and practice. 

Here is a story from CBC News that includes some photos of the plane crash. 

Afternoon Class

Sitting may be dangerous to your health     Normal speed      Slow speed     Answer

Look for the past perfect exercises.

More past perfect practice

Monday, June 8, 2015

Morning and Afternoon Class

Listen to the story, then watch the video about a famous tourist attraction in Paris.

Morning class

Telephone strategies 1 (use Firefox or Internet Explorer)

Telephone strategies 2 (use Firefox or Internet Explorer)

A bit of review of some modals

Afternoon class

Have/get something done Look at the examples and then try the exercises

Do or Make - English video lesson

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Morning Class

Sepp Blatter to step down as FIFA president: Watch the news and answer the questions

Telephone English tips (

How to take or give a message (

Voice mail messages 

Messages and prepositions

More practice about the third conditional.

This week, we did a story about the 'Solar Impulse' solar-powered plane. Find out a bit more about it in this story.

Doors Open Ottawa is happening this weekend. Visit some buildings that are often closed to the public.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Afternoon Class

Watch this video about 5 quick home repairs. Answer the questions on your worksheet.

First conditional - real or true now - "If it rains, I will get wet."

Second conditional - unreal now - "If I had a plane, I would fly to school."

Morning Class

International Ice Patrol ride along - Watch and complete your worksheet

Informal telephone calls (for these exercises, you'll need to use Firefox or Internet Explorer)
Informal Calls 1

Informal Calls 2

Second conditional - "If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house."

Third conditional - "If I had won the lottery, I wouldn't have come to work today."

Doors Open Ottawa is happening this weekend. Visit some buildings that are often closed to the public.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21st

Morning class

Taking messages - Watch the videos below and answer the questions.

Take a test about word order and parts of speech.

Afternoon class

Garage Sales jump to 1:15. Listen to the speaker at slow speed and complete your worksheet. Jump to 16:00 to hear the speaker at fast speed.  Check your answers here.

Passive voice practice - exercises are at the bottom of the page

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14th

Afternoon class

This weekend is the Victoria Day long weekend. Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Present perfect and past simple practice english video lesson

Renting an apartment - lesson

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11th

Morning Class

How a bill becomes law

Sound contrast - Choose a pair of sounds and try to hear the difference. 

A few common verbs to nouns

Afternoon class

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6th

Listen to the interview between journalist Desmond Cole and Erin Talley, a professor of Political Science at the University of Saskatchewan. Answer the questions on your worksheet.

Review:  could have

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5th

Royal baby name revealed - watch the story and answer the questions.

Present perfect exercises

English video lesson - present perfect and simple past

Ottawa Tulip Festival

Find information about this year's Tulip Festival at .

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4th and 5th

Morning class

The warm weather is here, and with it come the bugs. The most annoying can be the mosquito. Learn a bit more about this bug.

Sound contrast - Choose a pair of sounds and try to hear the difference.

English video lesson - speculation 

Afternoon class

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30th

Morning class

Contracts - What you should know

Afternoon class

'New Zealand Prime Minister in trouble.'

Listen to the story and complete your worksheet
                    Slow speed

                    Normal speed


Complete the question or answer.

Can you follow the directions?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29th

Morning Class

Watch the video below and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Lease agreements - Click here, go to 'housing', CLB 3-5, Renting, Lease Agreement and do the activities.

More practice on having things done. If the link doesn't work, you may need to use a different browser.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28th

Afternoon class

Watch the video about relief efforts in Nepal. Complete your paper.

Have got or has got 1

Have got or has got 2 questions

Have got or has got 3 negative

Giving Directions - listen to the directions, and click the correct location on the map.

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27th

Morning class

Wild Canada - Ice Edge part 3 Watch the video from here and complete your questions sheet.

Have something done - Decide if the subject is doing something, or having something done. Do not use 'get.'

Conversations about housing repairs - listen, read, and learn some vocabulary and idioms related to housing repairs.

Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24th

This week is Poutine Fest on Sparks St. For information about the festival, click here.

To find out about other festivals coming up, check here at

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23rd

morning class

This week, the federal government released its budget. Find out a bit about the rules and traditions of Canadian budgets.

Listen to the story first and see if you can answer the questions. Then, watch the video.

Passive voice - Take a look at the link from Monday to practice the passive.

Try this quiz about Canadian symbols. Which do you know?

Various quizzes to help learn about and practice Canadian geography.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21st Afternoon class

When you've finished the story above, check the insurance and grammar activities from yesterday.

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20th


For part two of Wild Canada - Ice Edge, look at the video from Thursday starting at 14:00, or use this link to watch the video from 14:00 on YouTube.

Passives - Take a look at the activities about Passives

Story and video of the house fire near Algonquin College.


English for Financial Literacy - Consumer Matter --> 1-2 --> Juan - apartment insurance

Asking questions - Read the answer and try to write the question.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16th

Morning Class Wild Canada - Ice Edge

English Video Lessons  Gerunds and Infinitives
                                          Gerunds and Infinitives - Remember and Forget 

Afternoon Class Mosquitoes

Verb Tenses - Look for the exercises on Simple Past and Simple Present questions.

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 11th

Perfect passives - This week, we've seen some examples of perfect tenses, but passive voice. Look at the examples and try some yourself.

Infinitives vs. Gerunds - Give it a try.

Did you say Saskatchewan? Learn about the origin of some place names in Canada.

How expensive is it up north?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25th and 27th

Did you know?
• According to many historians, the maple leaf and the maple tree came to symbolize Canada as early as 1700. 
• Canada exports more than 28,685 tonnes of maple syrup to more than 30 countries. It's an export industry worth $145 million (2004). 
• There are more than 10,300 maple syrup producers in Canada accounting for more than 33,680,000 taps. They are mostly found in Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 

• Main syrup-producing trees are sugar maples, red maples and silver maples. During the spring, the maple sugaring season, an average tree produces between 35 to 50 litres of sap, which will produce between one to 1.5 litres of maple syrup. 
• A 50 ml serving of maple syrup contains 167 calories, 43 grams of sugar, 117 mg of potassium, 7 mg of sodium and no fat. 

Irregular adverbs - Look at example of irregular adverbs. 

Adverbs - Good lesson and quizzes to practice adverbs.

Would you like to come over? In our free time, we often like to invite our friends over, or visit our friends. Learn about making and accepting invitations.

Two lessons about expressions for "time"

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Grammar - adjectives or adverbs

Adjective or adverb 1

Adjective or adverb 2

Adjective or adverb 3

Word Stress practice

Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy first day of spring! See you all on Monday!

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9th and 11th

Order of adjectives - examples and exercises at the bottom

English video lesson - order of adjectives

Review taxes in Canada - Click on personal finance --> CLB 1-2 --> Paying taxes in Canada

English Video lesson - Embedded (Indirect) questions.

Put the words in the correct order (click on the words in order).

Put the words in the correct order 2 (click on the words in order).

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4th and 6th

Cut music to an hour a day - listen and complete your worksheet.

regular speed

slower speed


Grammar - Indirect questions - choose the correct answer.

One more indirect questions practice.

Job interview dos and don'ts

Sir Sandford Fleming

Watch the video and answer the questions on your worksheet.

What is the best answer?

What is the best question word?

What is the question?

Veterinary Clinic interview - Listen and read the interview. Try and answer the questions.

I Have a Talent - Reading and listening activities talking about what you are able to do.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25th and 27th

Listening to phone messages Start with exercise 1, listen and answer the questions.

Taking telephone messages - Listen to the messages and choose the correct information.

If conditional practice - Choose the best answer.

English video lesson - zero and first conditionals.

Occupations - learn the names of different jobs and occupations. Listen and practice.

Telephone skills

First conditional practice.

Job interview - listen

Job interview - fill in the missing words

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18th and 20th

Winter Weather Extremes

Lesson and exercises about 'Will.'
Lesson and exercises about 'Going to.'

Future WILL - Look for the exercises about Simple Future and give them a try!

English grammar video lesson about WILL and BE GOING TO.

Taxes in Canada and Consumer matters - Click on Personal Finance --> CLB 1-2 --> Paying taxes in Canada, or Consumer Matters --> CLB 3-5

Listening - Pick a pair of sounds and listen to the words. Can you hear the difference?