
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28th and 30th

Winterlude starts today!

Watch this brief history of Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada's first Prime Minister. Complete your worksheet.

To do or doing? Choose the correct answer.

To do or doing quiz 2. Choose the correct answer.

Shopping dialogues - Talking to salespeople

"90-year-old starts elementary school" - Listen and complete your worksheet.

British speaker              British speaker (slower speech)

North American speaker

Check your answers

Here is a video about the story.

Clothing materials - Listen to the speaker and choose the correct material.

Clothing picture dictionary - Click on the items to hear the words.

Too much, not enough - English video lesson and quiz.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21st and 23rd

The $20 bank note

Count and Non count nouns - try the exercises to practice.

Video lesson - Much, Many, A lot of.

Video lesson - Few and Little

Buying a Sweater (easier) - Listen and answer the questions        Listen and type the missing words

Returning an item (harder) - Listen and answer the questions       Listen and type the missing words

Canadian coins - review and try the exercises at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14th and 16th

Flu Shots - to follow up on our work on health, try these activities about the flu.

Quick Facts About Canada - learn or review some facts about Canada.

In, At, or On? - Try this quiz

Man waits three hours for ambulance.
Listen to the story and complete your worksheet. You can listen to an American speaker or British speaker.

American speaker (normal speed)

British speaker (normal speed)   (slower speed)

Check your answers here.

Verb tenses - Look for the past progressive and try the exercises.

Learn and practice vocabulary with reading and listening.
Here is another site for learning and practicing vocabulary.

Here are the answers for the 'Ultimate Opposite Crossword.'

Ottawa's winter festival, Winterlude, will be starting soon. See what it looks like.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 7th and 9th

Watch the video about a visit to a clinic. Answer the questions on your worksheet.

Practice your spelling of comparative adjectives.

Do you remember the provinces and territories?

Review the capital cities of Canada.        For something a little harder, try to spell them!

Watch the video. Try to identify as much of the man's clothing as you can, and how many of each he is wearing.

Now, watch the following video and complete your worksheet.

Making an appointment Listen and answer the questions. Then do the fill in the blanks exercise.

Talking about your nose! Learn how to talk about your nose.