
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25th and 27th

Listening to phone messages Start with exercise 1, listen and answer the questions.

Taking telephone messages - Listen to the messages and choose the correct information.

If conditional practice - Choose the best answer.

English video lesson - zero and first conditionals.

Occupations - learn the names of different jobs and occupations. Listen and practice.

Telephone skills

First conditional practice.

Job interview - listen

Job interview - fill in the missing words

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18th and 20th

Winter Weather Extremes

Lesson and exercises about 'Will.'
Lesson and exercises about 'Going to.'

Future WILL - Look for the exercises about Simple Future and give them a try!

English grammar video lesson about WILL and BE GOING TO.

Taxes in Canada and Consumer matters - Click on Personal Finance --> CLB 1-2 --> Paying taxes in Canada, or Consumer Matters --> CLB 3-5

Listening - Pick a pair of sounds and listen to the words. Can you hear the difference?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4th and 6th

How far would you walk to get to work or school?

Now, watch this story to find out how much money was raised to help him. You'll hear the amount at the end of the report.

Use the links to help practice your phrasal verbs.

Try these activities - listen to someone as he looks for a house to rent.

Families sharing homes in Vancouver - Watch the story and check your worksheet

Calling about an apartment (easier)
Listen and check the correct answers.
Listen and type the missing words.

Apartment problems (harder)
Listen and check the correct answers.
Listen and type the missing words.

Short quiz about gerunds after prepositions.

English video lesson - gerunds and infinitives.

February 2nd was Groundhog Day - See what the festival looks like!