
Monday, June 22, 2015

Morning class

Listen to and then watch the following story about World Refugee Day

More adjective clause practice. Try to join the sentences, or listen to the speaker as he reads the answers.

English video lesson - shopping 

Afternoon class

A day in the life of a firefighter

Have got or has got.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Afternoon Class

Watch the story and answer the questions.

Employment scams - Click on Employment, CLB 3-5, then click on Employment Scams.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Morning Class

Listen to the story about children and physical activity and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Now, watch the video about children and physical activity. Complete your worksheet.

Adjective (Relative) clauses - lesson and practice. 

Here is a story from CBC News that includes some photos of the plane crash. 

Afternoon Class

Sitting may be dangerous to your health     Normal speed      Slow speed     Answer

Look for the past perfect exercises.

More past perfect practice

Monday, June 8, 2015

Morning and Afternoon Class

Listen to the story, then watch the video about a famous tourist attraction in Paris.

Morning class

Telephone strategies 1 (use Firefox or Internet Explorer)

Telephone strategies 2 (use Firefox or Internet Explorer)

A bit of review of some modals

Afternoon class

Have/get something done Look at the examples and then try the exercises

Do or Make - English video lesson

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Morning Class

Sepp Blatter to step down as FIFA president: Watch the news and answer the questions

Telephone English tips (

How to take or give a message (

Voice mail messages 

Messages and prepositions

More practice about the third conditional.

This week, we did a story about the 'Solar Impulse' solar-powered plane. Find out a bit more about it in this story.

Doors Open Ottawa is happening this weekend. Visit some buildings that are often closed to the public.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Afternoon Class

Watch this video about 5 quick home repairs. Answer the questions on your worksheet.

First conditional - real or true now - "If it rains, I will get wet."

Second conditional - unreal now - "If I had a plane, I would fly to school."

Morning Class

International Ice Patrol ride along - Watch and complete your worksheet

Informal telephone calls (for these exercises, you'll need to use Firefox or Internet Explorer)
Informal Calls 1

Informal Calls 2

Second conditional - "If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house."

Third conditional - "If I had won the lottery, I wouldn't have come to work today."

Doors Open Ottawa is happening this weekend. Visit some buildings that are often closed to the public.